Our Philosophy

We Are Committed to Your Success

We are committed to helping you maintain and strengthen trust with your stakeholders. That’s the only way to earn credibility over the long-term.

Management credibility is paramount – and earned over time

At Arbor, we believe that credibility is built by:

  • Knowing your unique value proposition
  • Authentically communicating your business strategy and results
  • Listening to your stakeholders
  • Setting realistic expectations
  • Being committed to accountability and transparency
  • Doing what you said you would do, repeatedly

We are committed to helping you maintain and strengthen trust with your stakeholders. That’s the only way to earn credibility over the long-term.

Communications should reflect values and build trust

Clear, consistent and coordinated communications that are tailored to your audiences are key. Fair valuation of securities, the ability to attract and retain top talent, effective marketing to customers, and relationships with partners and the community depend on it. Most importantly, your communications strategy must reflect your values and support your long-term business strategy.

The IR function plays an important and meaningful role

An investor relations program should be focused on cultivating an investor base that is aligned with your company’s long-term value proposition. An aligned shareholder base enables your management team to focus on executing your company’s long-term strategy.

Valuation should be viewed in perspective

Your stock price at any point in time should be viewed in perspective with relevant market factors (most of which are out of your control). This starts with identifying the factors impacting valuation and isolating which are company specific and within management’s control, then determining how these factors will influence decision making.

It all takes focus – and it’s hard to do alone

Today’s markets are complex, IRO roles have expanded, investors and boards demand more and it’s hard to do everything yourself. With Arbor, you have a partner committed to your success, who will be by your side through challenges and triumphs – and most importantly, will help you focus on what matters most.


We believe that driving better outcomes requires the combination of technology and analytical expertise. The core of this vision, what we call IR 2.0, is rooted in data intelligence.

Data intelligence

In-depth analysis of current and future relative value potential compared to peers

Human expertise

Overlay analytical insights, understanding of your unique value proposition, qualitative factors and practical experience

Improved valuation

Informed executive teams and boards; aligned investors

Sam making a point.

Aligning capacity with work worth doing

Work we excel at. Work that is valued. Work that is impactful. This is unique to each of our people based on their experience, interests and talents.