Investor Day Strategy
and Execution
Management credibility is the primary factor influencing an investor’s decision to invest in a stock. A well-executed Investor Day generates one of the highest returns on management’s time spent with investors. We have executed dozens of Investor Days over the last 20 years, both as in-house investor relations executives and as Senior Advisors at Arbor. For many of our clients, we have successfully executed multiple Investor Days.

We know what it takes to prepare for and deliver a best-in-class event. We will help you answer the questions that are most important to investors. We assist with the execution of all aspects, from the strategic vision and key messages to the tactical support that ensures a well-received event.
Services Include:
- Communications strategy and goal setting
- Event structuring and timeline development
- Detailed content and slide creation assistance
- Speech coaching, including Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure) review
- Customized investor targeting to ensure appropriate audience
- Event and logistics management in conjunction with production companies
- Post Investor Day event marketing strategy
We initially engaged Arbor for retainer services, replacing another advisory firm. I could not have been happier with the change, as the Arbor team took a far more comprehensive and proactive approach. We later decided to have the first Investor Day event in the company’s history, occurring toward the end of the pandemic. With Arbor’s expertise, strategic guidance and hands-on help, we produced a very well received virtual event with a live Q&A. What we achieved would not have been possible without Arbor proactively managing the process.
Sarah Walas, Vice President of Investor Relations, Bandwidth